The Amazing Moringa

The Amazing Moringa

For those that are looking to support and optimize their health and wellness, using food as medicine is a simple yet effective approach. You may have heard the term “superfoods” before, which is a term used to describe foods that possess an array of powerful health benefits. Since the term has not been officially defined and is not regulated by the FDA, it may be thrown around for marketing purposes. However, the more you can learn and understand about each superfood, the more knowledge you’ll gain on when to use each food. Plus, through learning about the benefits and actions of superfoods, you can become a savvy shopper who can differentiate the real superfoods from the not-so-super ones.

What is Moringa?

Moringa is a powerful superfood, however, many people have not heard of this amazing plant. It is starting to become more mainstream and you may see it listed in a green superfood powder from time to time. The moringa plant is also referred to as the ‘drumstick tree’ or ‘horseradish tree’ and it is native to India. It is known for its high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With such a high concentration of essential nutrients, the moringa plant boasts numerous health benefits. Let’s dive into four of the many benefits the moringa plant has to offer.

The Benefits of Moringa

Nutrient Content

The first and most profound benefit of moringa is its nutrient content. This green powder contains very high levels of vitamins, which makes it a concentrated source of nutrients. This is why it is often added to greens powders as a small amount acts as a potent multivitamin. In fact, according to a study by Gopalakrishnan, Doriya, and Kumar:

Moringa contains 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yogurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.”

Lactating Mothers

The high vitamin and mineral content makes moringa an ideal addition to pre and post-natal supplements, and it is especially popular for lactating mothers. Plus, moringa can help to support breast milk production through its stigmasterol, sitosterol, and campesterol content. These constituents are known as phytosterols, and these phytosterols in particular can help turn on the signals to produce breast milk. The combination of vitamins, minerals, and phytosterols makes moringa a true superfood for breastfeeding mothers.

Cholesterol & Heart Health

Morigna is an excellent source of linoleic acid, linolenic acid and oleic acid. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids, or “good fats.” These fatty acids can help control cholesterol levels by competing with dietary cholesterol for absorption in the gut and subsequently decreasing blood cholesterol levels. Not only does moringa contain healthy fatty acids that benefit cardiovascular health, but it also contains potent antioxidants like quercetin and phenolics which quench inflammation in the body. Modulating inflammations is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system, as well as many other chronic diseases.


When it comes to preventing and managing type 2 diabetes, a healthy and balanced diet is essential. Herbs, vitamins, and mineral supplementation can also help to reduce blood sugar spikes and balance insulin secretion. You guessed it, moringa has been reported to do just that!. Moringa is an excellent option for type 2 diabetics or anyone who struggles with pre-diabetes since it may be able to decrease excessive insulin secretion and lower inflammation in the cells that produce insulin. Keep in mind, moringa should not be used in replacement of any diabetic medications your doctor has you taking. Talk to your doctor before starting or stopping any medications or supplements. 

We touched on just a few of the benefits of moringa and there are certainly many more to discuss in the future. If you are ready to include moringa into your daily routine, check out Naguna's moringa capsules which are high-potency, high-quality, and 100% vegan. 

Sources Used:

Dr. Stephanie Nichols,

Co-Chief Medical Officer of Naguna